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Yomeen Co. Ltd.


有鳴股份有限公司(Yomeen Co. Ltd.)致力於AIoT智慧系統開發,專注於高效能智慧雲端餐飲、雲端購物、會員點評管理、無人化智慧販賣機整合系統等領域。成立五年來,我們已成功與超過400家店家合作,並獲得超過15項政府補助計畫支持,擁有一項發明專利及兩項新型專利。



Yomeen Co. Ltd. is dedicated to AIoT smart system development, focusing on high-performance cloud-based solutions for smart F&B services, e-commerce, loyalty program management, and integrated unmanned vending machine systems. Over the past five years, we have successfully collaborated with more than 400 businesses and received support from over 15 government grant programs, holding one invention patent and two utility patents.

Yomeen is committed to applying innovative technologies. Our recently launched next-generation smart vending machines integrate interactive large screens and AI voice assistants, developed in partnership with well-known retail brands. We are also making significant strides in smart healthcare platforms, including the development of AI doctor systems and smart wristbands, actively expanding into international markets to promote smart health solutions.

Guided by our core values of technological innovation and service excellence, we leverage AIoT technology to unlock new business opportunities and deliver convenient, intelligent service experiences for our clients.

Job Vacancies

Yomeen Co. Ltd.

Yomeen Co. Ltd.

Yomeen Co. Ltd.

AI系統工程師(AI Systems Engineer)

Job Description

  • 開發與優化AI模型,包含語音識別、自然語言處理(NLP)及影像識別技術。
    Develop and optimize AI models, including speech recognition, natural language processing (NLP), and image recognition technologies.
  • 設計並實作AI演算法於智慧販賣機、智慧醫療平台等應用場景。
    Design and implement AI algorithms for smart vending machines and smart healthcare platforms.
  • 整合AI模型至雲端系統與邊緣運算設備,確保系統效能穩定。
    Integrate AI models into cloud systems and edge computing devices to ensure stable system performance.
  • 負責AI數據的收集、分析、訓練,優化模型的精準度與效能。
    Manage the collection, analysis, and training of AI data, improving model accuracy and performance.
  • 協助跨部門專案開發,提供技術建議並解決實際應用中的問題。
    Collaborate on cross-department projects, providing technical advice and solving practical application issues.

Job Requirements

  • 精通 Python 或 Node 等程式語言,具備AI開發經驗。
    Proficient in Python or Node.js, with experience in AI development.
  • 熟悉 TensorFlow、PyTorch 等主流深度學習框架。
    Familiar with deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch.
  • 具備 NLP、語音辨識、影像處理相關經驗尤佳。
    Experience in NLP, speech recognition, or image processing is a plus.
  • 熟悉 Linux 環境及雲端服務架構(AWS、GCP、Azure)。
    Knowledge of Linux environments and cloud service architectures (e.g., AWS, GCP, Azure).
  • 理解 邊緣運算、MLOps,具備系統部署與優化能力。
    Understanding of edge computing and MLOps, with the ability to handle system deployment and optimization.
  • 具備良好的問題解決能力及團隊協作能力。
    Strong problem-solving skills and team collaboration abilities.

物聯網工程師(IoT Engineer)

Job Description

  • 負責智慧設備的設計、開發與維護。
    Responsible for the design, development, and maintenance of smart devices.
  • 開發嵌入式系統及整合多種感測器、網路模組(WiFi、Bluetooth、LoRa等)。
    Develop embedded systems and integrate various sensors and network modules (e.g., WiFi, Bluetooth, LoRa).
  • 設計物聯網通訊協議,包含 MQTT、CoAP、HTTP 等。
    Design IoT communication protocols, including MQTT, CoAP, and HTTP.
  • 優化物聯網設備的數據傳輸效能,並確保資料安全。
    Optimize data transmission performance for IoT devices and ensure data security.
  • 協助建構IoT雲端平台,負責資料收集、分析及設備遠端管理。
    Assist in building IoT cloud platforms, handling data collection, analysis, and remote device management.

Job Requirements

  • 精通 Python、JavaScript 等程式語言。
    Proficient in Python and JavaScript programming languages.
  • 熟悉 IoT通訊協議(MQTT、CoAP、HTTP、WebSocket)。
    Familiar with IoT communication protocols (e.g., MQTT, CoAP, HTTP, WebSocket).
  • 具備 嵌入式系統開發經驗(Arduino、ESP32)。
    Experience in embedded system development (e.g., Arduino, ESP32).
  • 熟悉 雲端平台(如AWS IoT、Google Cloud IoT、Azure IoT Hub)。
    Knowledge of cloud platforms such as AWS IoT, Google Cloud IoT, and Azure IoT Hub.
  • 了解 網路安全與資料加密技術。
    Understanding of network security and data encryption technologies.
  • 具備 硬體設備開發經驗尤佳,如感測器模組、GPS、NFC等。
    Experience in hardware device development is a plus, including sensor modules, GPS, NFC, etc.
  • 具備良好的團隊合作能力與問題解決能力。
    Strong team collaboration and problem-solving skills.

區塊鏈工程師(Blockchain Engineer)

Job Description

  • 開發、整合及維護區塊鏈應用,專注於串接虛擬貨幣交易所的API。
    Develop, integrate, and maintain blockchain applications, with a focus on connecting to cryptocurrency exchange APIs.
  • 設計與實作智能合約(Smart Contracts),確保交易流程的安全性及透明性。
    Design and implement smart contracts to ensure secure and transparent transaction processes.
  • 開發去中心化應用(dApps),並確保系統的效能與穩定性。
    Build and maintain decentralized applications (dApps), ensuring system performance and stability.
  • 建立並優化數字錢包系統,支援多種加密貨幣的存取、轉移與管理。
    Develop and optimize digital wallet systems to support the storage, transfer, and management of various cryptocurrencies.
  • 確保交易資料的安全性,實施加密技術及多層次安全機制。
    Ensure the security of transaction data by implementing encryption technologies and multi-layer security mechanisms.
  • 協助客戶端與伺服器端的區塊鏈節點配置與系統監控。
    Assist in configuring and monitoring blockchain nodes on both the client-side and server-side.
  • 分析新興區塊鏈技術,提供技術建議,優化公司產品。
    Analyze emerging blockchain technologies, provide technical recommendations, and optimize company products.

Job Requirements

  • 精通 Python、JavaScript、Node.js 或 Go 等程式語言。
    Proficient in Python, JavaScript, Node.js, or Go programming languages.
  • 熟悉區塊鏈技術(Ethereum、Binance Smart Chain、Solana、Polygon 等主流鏈)。
    Familiar with blockchain technologies, including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, and Polygon.
  • 具備智能合約開發經驗,熟悉 Solidity、Rust 或 Vyper 語言。
    Experience in smart contract development using Solidity, Rust, or Vyper.
  • 熟悉虛擬貨幣交易所API串接,如 Binance API、KuCoin API、Coinbase API 等。
    Skilled in integrating cryptocurrency exchange APIs such as Binance API, KuCoin API, and Coinbase API.
  • 理解區塊鏈共識機制(PoW、PoS、DPoS 等)及其應用。
    Understanding of blockchain consensus mechanisms such as PoW, PoS, and DPoS.
  • 熟悉數字錢包開發與加密技術(如 AES、RSA、ECDSA)。
    Knowledge of digital wallet development and encryption technologies (e.g., AES, RSA, ECDSA).
  • 具備資料安全與風控意識,了解 KYC/AML 規範。
    Strong awareness of data security and risk management, with an understanding of KYC/AML regulations.
  • 熟悉 DeFi(去中心化金融) 應用與協議尤佳。
    Familiarity with DeFi (Decentralized Finance) applications and protocols is a plus.
  • 良好的團隊協作能力與解決問題的能力,具備英語溝通能力為佳。
    Excellent team collaboration and problem-solving skills, with English communication skills preferred.