易華電子股份有限公司,產品為顯示器驅動 IC用高階軟性IC基板(Chip on Film,簡稱 COF)。 為使COF(Chip On Film)更適合應用於FPD(薄型顯示)Driver中之組裝技術,本公司從材料開始便秉持一貫的品質,並不斷推陳技術,以因應全球高度信賴性產業之需求。
JMC Electronics Co., Ltd. produces high-end flexible IC substrates (Chip on Film, COF) for display driver ICs. In order to make COF (Chip on Film) more suitable for assembly technology in FPD (thin display) drivers, our company has always adhered to consistent quality from the beginning of materials and continuously improved technology to meet the needs of highly trusted industries around the world.