Realtek Semiconductor Corp., located in the Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park — Taiwan’s “Silicon Valley” — began with a small group of young, devoted engineers in 1987. Over three decades, these young founding engineers built Realtek into one of the world’s largest and most successful IC design houses. Realtek’s efforts to provide the ultimate in pioneering IC technology — along with its firm commitment to creating unique and innovative designs for a broad range of high-tech applications — have won the company a worldwide reputation and made possible a favorable and consistent growth rate in the years since its establishment. We attribute this achievement to Realtek’s tradition of excellence.
我們以螃蟹為企業的標章,是期許自己能效法螃蟹在自然界中以堅韌的生命力,無懼無畏,勇於挑戰的象徵意義。這種不畏艱困險惡,迎向卓越的競爭,正是我等自我惕勵,愈挫愈勇的最佳寫照。我們也正如同科技洪流中的一隻生機勃發的螃蟹,茁然成長。 憑藉著7位創始工程師的熱情與毅力,走過風雨飄搖的草創時期,我們不僅堅持信念,努力執著鑽研,更洞悉市場需求,因而造就了今日的瑞昱,成為國際知名IC專業設計公司。 以積體電路產品之研發與設計為企業定位,從產品研發、設計、測試到銷售,秉持求新求變的原則, 以達成「新技術、新產品、新應用、新價值與新市場」的目標。 瑞昱已成功開發出多種領域的應用積體電路,產品線橫跨通訊網路、電腦週邊、多媒體等技術,與世界先進產業主流並駕齊驅。

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Job Vacancies in Realtek
For Any Countries
Design Verification Engineer
- Full Time
- Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Job Description
- Develop detailed module level and SoC level testplans for all the functional features, based on the design spec.
- Develop ASIC verification environment including all the respective components such as stimulus, checkers, assertions, monitors and scoreboards.
- Develop directed and constrain-random verification functional tests and simulate using EDA tools to verify functional spec is working
- Execute verification plans, including design bring-up, DV bring-up, and regression enabling for all the features.
- Collaborate with digital design team to debug functional testcases and deliver functionally correct designs.
Job Requirements
- Bachelor Degree or Master Degree in Electric and Electronic/ Computer Science major.
For Any Countries
Physical Design Engineer
- Full Time
- Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Job Description
- Provide back-end design support to the various business units.
- Take charge of floorplanning, power structure, place and route, clock tree synthesis, timing closure, power/signal integrity signoff, physical verification (DRC/LVS).
- Active participation in working with fronted and integration team.
Job Requirements
- Bachelor Degree or Master Degree in Electric and Electronic/ Computer Science major.
For Any Countries
Design Verification Engineer
- Full Time
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Job Description
- The SOC Verification Engineer will be responsible for pre-silicon RTL verification of block and top level SOC. With deep understanding of SOC architecture and meticulous attention to details, you will interact with all disciplines to develop reusable testbench and verification environment deploying the latest methodology with metric driven verification.
- Develop comprehensive test plans, design direct and random test cases to verify the correctness of the hardware design.
- Work with hardware team for RTL implementation and perform verification and validation of hardware functions.
- Work with firmware team for firmware development, debug and integration.
Job Requirements
- Bachelor Degree or Master Degree in Electric and Electronic/ Computer Science major.
For Any Countries
SoC Middleware Software Engineer
- Full Time
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Job Description
- Handle Live TV and country logo related issues for different countries.
- Develop TV Middleware.
- Develop Scaler related program.
- Handle HDMI CEC, ARC, and compliance test related issues.
- Handle media player related issues.
- Support customer request/manufacture-related issues.
- Support Software project management process Re-engineering.
- Provide on-site software support including development, issue analysis, configuration, and testing.(Taiwan/India/Korea/China).
Job Requirements
- Bachelor Degree or Master Degree in Electric and Electronic/ Computer Science major.
For Any Countries
XPON Field Application Engineer
- Full Time
- Bangalore, India
Job Description
- Co-work with India system developers to develop an xPON product.
- Troubleshooting issues during the development and manufacturing stage for the customers.
- Provide the guide to customer for develop features in Linux kernel driver or system level features (e.g. LED/GPIO control, DHCP, iptables module, WEB) on the GPON ONU.
- Be able to work on and resolve issues in many diverse areas of the system (From low-level kernel mechanisms to high-level application features and co-work with Realtek HQ RD)
Job Requirements
- Bachelor Degree or Master Degree in Electric and Electronic/ Computer Science major.