Founded in 2016, starting as a dental professional communities, we have built up a total digital dental solution platform. Furthermore, we have also developed our own practice management -dentallHiS , We aim to change the global oral health with the power of technology.
自2016年創立至今,我們專注解決牙科領域的數位整合痛點,研發dentallHiS雲端診所管理、打造便利實用的牙材採購系統、開拓精闢完整的醫務管理顧問服務,也根據不同受眾,經營多個社群平台,線上線下同步掌握市場趨勢。 2022年8月,dentall 國際營運總部落成,集結AI研發中心、數位牙科部、SPACE教育訓練中心、攝影棚與辦公室等多元空間應用,落實「Dentaverse ─ 牙科宇宙」全新集團概念,水平式整合牙醫領域的全方位需求,充分運用大數據及AI科技,導入垂直式創新的智慧醫療產品應用,讓牙醫師在診療過程,大幅改善醫療服務的品質與效能。

Connect Globally, Grow Digitally at Taiwan Digital Talent Connect on Oct 26!
Job Vacancies in Dentall
Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines
International Sales
- Full Time, Part Time
- 1 Person
- 09:00 - 18:00
- NTD $30,000 ~ $50,000
- Taipei City / Remote
Job Description
- Customer relationship management
- Business development on company products
- Cross-department meeting
- International social media content management
- International order handling
- Weekly meeting with manager
Job Requirements
- Bachelor degree on business or marketing related major
- TOEIC 850
- Native speaker for Vietnamese, Thai, Cambodian or other SEA market language.
- Public speech speaker
- Canva/ PPT skill
- Basic excel/ word/ office software skill
- Family day and birthday off one year after full time work
- Office snack bar / Coffee machine/ Traditional holiday gifts/ Company activity day/ Office swimming pool