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TSAT Job Expo 2024

CrossBond, in collaboration with TSAT,the largest Thai student organization in Taiwan (with 16,000 followers), to host the Thailand Job EXPO. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all participating companies, especially KENMEC GROUP, Tidyman, LinkCom Manufacturing, Foxsemicon Integrated Technology, Founder Aluminium, Garmin, Unimicron and Zhen Ding Tech. Group

TSAT Job Expo 2024 閱讀全文 »

NTUT Industrial Design Department’s Graduation Exhibition

CrossBond and CBtalent has proudly participated in The National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT) Industrial Design Department’s graduation exhibition titled “”Hey! 原來你在這”” or translated as “”Hey! There You Are.”” This exhibition features 54 diverse works spanning product design and spatial design, exploring innovative solutions addressing issues such as the circular economy, sustainable development, and humanistic care.

NTUT Industrial Design Department’s Graduation Exhibition 閱讀全文 »

2024 TKUISA Seminar

TKU ISA extends an exclusive invitation to CrossBond & CBtalent to share invaluable insights with foreign students aspiring to build their careers in Taiwan!
The dedication of these students, ranging from freshmen to juniors, shines brightly as they eagerly invest their weekends to gain a deeper understanding of the Taiwanese work environment and the necessary preparations for their future endeavors.

2024 TKUISA Seminar 閱讀全文 »
